do-mo kitchen CANVASさまにて作品 [Grace]を飾っていただきました。
また、姉妹店である武蔵五日市駅舎隣接のdo-mo factory blan.coさまでも2022年に個展をさせていただいたこともあり、その時の作品も展示いただいています。秋川にお越しになった際には是非お立ち寄りくださいませ!
My artwork, Grace, is now displayed at do-mo kitchen CANVAS, located in front of JR Musashi-Itsukaichi Station in Akiruno City, Tokyo.
CANVAS is a delightful restaurant that serves dishes made with fresh rainbow trout and locally sourced vegetables. It’s a cosy space where you can enjoy the warmth of locally grown Tama wood. During the season, they also add dishes featuring the renowned Ayu fish from Akigawa, which I’m really looking forward to.
Additionally, in 2022, I held a solo exhibition at do-mo factory blan.co, a sister restaurant next to Musashi-Itsukaichi Station, and I am honoured that some of the pieces from that exhibition are also on display there. If you find yourself visiting Akigawa, please do stop by!
Looking ahead, the works displayed at CANVAS will change with the seasons, allowing you to enjoy art that reflects the changing beauty of each season. I hope you’ll take the time to relax and savour the seasonal dishes together with the artwork.
do-mo kitchen CANVAS
do-mo factory blan.co